Happy Chinese New Year!

Starting on January 28th, we begin the year of the fire Rooster according to the Chinese lunar calendar. The Rooster is the tenth sign of the Chinese zodiac,

falling in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, and 2005. We at BCS are especially excited for this year as the fire Rooster is known for being trustworthy with a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work. All Roosters are said to be attentive and funny, with a zest for living socially as the center of attention. Those born under the sign of the rooster are said to be loyal and devoted friends and co-workers, which is music to our ears after the year of the monkey and the surprises that often accompany those. Rooster years bring fresh challenges which inspire practical solutions and a quick wit.

This year of the Rooster will have two springs, as the lunar new year of 2017 starts on January 28th and ends on February 15th, the solar calendar begins on February 3rd, which we hope bodes well for the 384 days in this Rooster calendar. This year of the Rooster is said to be a powerful one, with no choice but to move forward. Clear intentions, honesty and effort are the paths to ensure success this year while making sure to avoid risky ventures. All people, regardless of their birth can find great success in a Rooster year by honing their Rooster traits. Stay loyal, work hard and endeavor to persevere throughout 2017.

If you’re looking to find new challenges, or hire the best Rooster for your organization, you can count on BCS to persevere with you. We understand clearly the ideal candidates and their attributes for each position and will work diligently to place the best fit into your culture. Wishing each and every one of our family and friends a happy and healthy Chinese New Year, we leave you with this Rooster poem:

I am alert
Ready to take action
The first on the scene
The last to leave
I take chances
But I am precise
I know where things belong
I am orderly and fastidious
Nothing escapes me
I am always prepared
I never give up or in

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