How to support and manage remote workers.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the logistics industry has been particularly hit hard as we’re all essential employees who are not necessarily needed on-site to work. More and more of our operations can be done remotely now that technology has enabled communication and documentation transfers from anywhere in the world. However, just because we’ve had this ability doesn’t mean we’ve been pioneers at working from home and managing and supporting a remote staff. This blog will be dedicated to the employers who are facing a staff both stressed and unseen.

Remote workers who have been shifted from an onsite staff role to work from home during a pandemic haven’t had the time to digest the differences in their daily routine when they’re at home. Because we’re in a worldwide pandemic, the stress and worry that comes along with a new style of work can lead to an emotional burnout under the constant updates and changes happening. Being patient as employees learn to navigate their work while at home is the most important part of managing in this new role.

Clear communication and expectations will keep your employees on task despite home distractions. Flexibility will be needed for workers who are also working with school children attending virtually, so the hours when an employee must be available should be clearly outlined and other non-time specific work can be handled at the employees discretion. Accepting that you can’t control every second of their day gives them the freedom to work out their best practice for meeting work-related demands during an unprecedented event.

Further to the communication that must be maintained with the manager and staff, corporate updates should be done as frequently as possible to keep employees informed to their situations so they can adequately plan for their return to the job site. By utilizing team interaction websites like Slack the interdependence of the staff can continue as they remain available for work chat when they’re needed for questions and social chat to reinforce the team atmosphere and foster relationships where the staff can support each other during this time. Remind employees that chats shouldn’t be used after working hours so they have a clearly delineated time off and don’t feel tethered to their desks.

Working from home can give staff a feeling off freedom and self-reliance that leads to creativity, excitement and value based solutions to work issues. It’s not for everyone and those who aren’t good at working from home will need special care, but those issues should be easy to spot if you’re giving clear instructions and communicating your expectations to the staff. Beyond ensuring the at home workers are using quality equipment with access to support teams for technical problems, being patient as people navigate the complexities of the new normal is paramount.

If you’re looking for remote help with your logistics company, BCS Placement has the top tier of candidates looking to find a new opportunity in this market. We encourage you to reach out to us and see what superstar we have for your roster. Be well, and we’ll be here to help for the duration.

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