Brandon Fried to speak at IACAC on OCT 18th

27bb21d“The View from Washington” – Brandon brings his perspective to the IACAC as the AfA’s Executive Director on the activities of the regulatory agencies such as CBP, TSA and others combined with the political climate to give local companies a nationwide perspective on what can and will affect their businesses. Brandon has spoken to our IACAC luncheon audiences before and it is always a pleasure to hear his candid and honest assessment. Brandon is very well connected in the air cargo and regulatory community who was an air freight forwarder himself for many years. Brandon works daily with Customs, TSA, airlines and other trade associations on important issues that impact air freight forwarders and their bottom lines.
Event: 10/18/2016
Registration: 11:15AM
Luncheon: 12:00PM
Cost: $25/members and $30/non-members in advance by registering at IACAC
Venue: Holiday Inn – Chicago/Elk Grove




About Brandon:

Brandon Fried was appointed to serve as the Executive Director of the Airforwarders Association in November 2005. Brandon has more than 25 years of experience in the air freight industry. He started his career as a sales representative in Los Angeles. He then moved to Washington, D.C. where he began, owned and operated the Washington office of a global freight forwarder specializing in time definite air cargo transportation.

In 2000, Brandon joined the Airforwarders Association and was elected as Chairperson in 2001, serving for two consecutive terms. In August 2005 he sold his company interest and began consulting air cargo companies on business strategy and management practices until his appointment as Executive Director of the Airforwarders Association.

Brandon represents the Association on all security matters and was recently named by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to serve on the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) working group in counsel to the Transportation Security Administration. Brandon has also been appointed by U.S. Department of Commerce Acting Secretary Rebecca Blank to serve on the Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness (COAC)

A graduate of Syracuse University, Brandon holds a Masters in Business Administration and lives in Chevy Chase, MD, with his wife Kim and two children, Evan and Jordan.

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