Three reasons to use a recruiter for hiring candidates.

Employment agencyAs a logistics company, your focus is on managing your customers’ supply chains in the best way possible in tough market and economic conditions. The time spent trying to hire the right candidate to grow your company can distract from that focus. Working with a great recruiter who understands you and the kind of candidates you’re seeking saves time and increases the likelihood that you’ll get the right hire the first time.

We believe there are three excellent reasons to use a recruiter to hire candidates.

1) Going it on your own is tough.

If your company isn’t hiring a steady stream of candidates, recruiting, interviewing and preparing job offers is a process that becomes a rote behavior when done consistently. You may not have a planned set of questions to ask, or a pre- or post-interview background or reference check process that has been honed to meet the world in which information about candidates is available through social media and other wider sources. A recruiter’s job is to screen and interview candidates all day, every day. They can ask the questions that ensure the person you’re contemplating is the right person for the position.

2) Our pool is deeper than yours.

The candidates you’re considering may be people who were referred to you, answered an ad on a job board or knocked on your front door with their resume. This is far from a representative sample of the pool of applicants looking to break into the logistics industry or change jobs. Rely on a recruiter who is talking and networking and getting referrals from individuals they’ve placed successfully to fill out the ranks of eligible candidates.

3) We won’t let you overspend without a good reason.

There’s nothing wrong with overpaying for talent or rare finds. Just like sports, the top free agents command the greatest salaries and create bidding wars. But we are placing those exemplary candidates as well as the reliable people who become integral parts of a team, and we’ll make sure that what you’re offering is in line with the marketplace and reflective of your sincere interest in them and make you their top considered place to work.

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